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Paper Publications
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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1] A feasibility of nondestructive rapid detection of total volatile basic nitrogen content in frozen pork based on portable near-infrared spectroscopy
[2] Measurement of total free amino acids content in black tea using electronic tongue technology coupled with chemometrics
[3] Rapid on-site identification of pesticide residues in tea by one-dimensional convolutional neural network coupled with surface-enhanced Raman scattering
[4] Assessment of matcha sensory quality using hyperspectral microscope imaging technology
[5] A universal SERS aptasensor based on DTNB labeled GNTs/Ag core-shell nanotriangle and CS-Fe3O4 magnetic-bead trace detection of Aflatoxin B1
[6] Development of an Inner Filter Effects-Based Upconversion Nanoparticles-Curcumin Nanosystem for the Sensitive Sensing of Fluoride Ion
[7] Near infrared chemo-responsive dye intermediaries spectra-based in-situ quantification of volatile organic compounds
[8] Turn-On Fluoresence Sensor for Hg2+ in Food Based on FRET between Aptamers-Functionalized Upconversion Nanoparticles and Gold Nanoparticles
[9] A novel hyperspectral microscope imaging technology for rapid evaluation of particle size distribution in matcha [Journal Paper]. Journal of Food Engineering, 2020,
[10] Measurement of total free amino acids content in black tea using electronic tongue technology coupled with chemometrics [Journal Paper]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020,
[11] Assessment of matcha sensory quality using hyperspectral microscope imaging technology [Journal Paper]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2020,
[12] Rapid sensing of total theaflavins content in black tea using a portable electronic tongue system coupled to efficient variables selection algorithms [Journal Paper]. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2019,
[13] Measurement of total free amino acids content in black tea using electronic tongue technology coupled with chemometrics
[14] Real-time monitoring of process parameters in rice wine fermentation by a portable spectral analytical system combined with multivariate analysis
[15] Rapid sensing of total theaflavins content in black tea using a portable electronic tongue system coupled to efficient variables selection algorithms
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