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Paper Publications
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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1] An upconversion biosensor based on inner filter effect for dual-role recognition of sulfadimethoxine in aquatic samples
[2] Au@Ag@MPBA tags assisted surface-enhanced raman spectroscopy for pathogens detection based on bacteria inhibiting salt-induced aggregation
[3] Recent advances review in tea waste: High-value applications, processing technology, and value-added products
[4] Au@Ag NPs-based probes with enhanced quenching effect immobilized on polymer platforms as solid-phase fluorescent sensors for malachite green detection
[5] An innovative solid-phase biosensor for rapid on-site detection of N-nitrosodimethylamine incorporating zein film and upconversion nanoparticles
[6] Rapid determination of free amino acids and caffeine in matcha using near-infrared spectroscopy: A comparison of portable and benchtop systems
[7] A rapid method for detecting L-Theanine during kombucha fermentation using SERS combined with machine/deep learning
[8] ZnO@Ag-Functionalized Paper-Based Microarray Chip for SERS Detection of Bacteria and Antibacterial and Photocatalytic Inactivation
[9] Colorimetric sensor array combined with chemometric methods for the assessment of aroma produced during the drying of tencha
[10] One Stone Two Birds: An Upconversion Nanosensor for Sensitive Detection of Fluoroquinolones in Aquatic Products Based on Chelation Recognition
[11] Development of a novel upconversion fluorescence nanosensor based on metalloporphyrin element for sensitive detection of N-nitrosodimethylamine
[12] Rapid and stable detection of three main mycotoxins in rice using SERS optimized AgNPs@K30 coupled multivariate calibration
[13] Polydimethylsiloxane assisted surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for Staphylococcus aureus detection based on aptamer recognition
[14] An upconversion biosensor based on DNA hybridization and DNA-templated silver nanoclusters for the determination of acrylamide
[15] Facile synthesis of fluorescence-SERS dual-probe nanocomposites for ultrasensitive detection of sulfur-containing gases in water and beer samples
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