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Paper Publications
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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1] Effects of rapeseed protein addition on soybean protein-based textured protein produced by low-moisture extrusion: Changes in physicochemical attributes, structural properties and barrel flow behaviors
[2] Understanding the mechanism for sodium tripolyphosphate in improving the physicochemical properties of low-moisture extrusion textured protein from rapeseed protein and soybean protein blends
[3] Slit dual-frequency ultrasound-assisted pulping of Lycium barbarum fresh fruit to improve the dissolution of polysaccharides and in situ real-time monitoring
[4] Polysaccharides as Potential Anti-tumor Biomacromolecules -A Review
[5] New Perspective on Natural Plant Protein-Based Nanocarriers for Bioactive Ingredients Delivery
[6] Effects of Ultrasound Modification with Different Frequency Modes on the Structure, Chain Conformation, and Immune Activity of Polysaccharides from Lentinus edodes
[7] Study on the structure–activity relationship of watermelon seed antioxidant peptides by using molecular simulations
[8] Plant protein-derived antioxidant peptides: Isolation, identification, mechanism of action and application in food systems: A review
[9] Structure and functional properties of soy protein isolate-lentinan conjugates obtained in Maillard reaction by slit divergent ultrasonic assisted wet heating and the stability of oil-in-water emulsions
[10] Optimization, characterization, rheological study and immune activities of polysaccharide from Sagittaria sagittifolia L.
[11] Review of isolation, structural properties, chain conformation, and bioactivities of psyllium polysaccharides
[12] Binding affinity, antioxidative capacity and in vitro digestion of complexes of grape seed procyanidins and pork, chicken and fish protein
[13] Comparison of characterization, antioxidant and immunological activities of three polysaccharides from Sagittaria sagittifolia L.
[14] Preparation, characterization and bioactivity of polysaccharide fractions from Sagittaria sagittifolia L.
[15] Subcritical water extraction, identification, antioxidant and antiproliferative activity of polyphenols from lotus seedpod
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