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Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
more+- [1] 高瑞昌. Properties of extracellular protease produced by halogranum rubrum RO2-11 .Modern Food Science and Technology
- [2] 高瑞昌. Study on the Change of Muscle Proteins During the Half-Dried Salt-Cured Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) Processing .JOURNAL OF AQUATIC FOOD PRODUCT TECHNOLOGY
- [3] 高瑞昌. Effects of Heat Pump Drying Parameters on the Volatile Flavor Compounds in Silver Carp .JOURNAL OF AQUATIC FOOD PRODUCT TECHNOLOGY
- [4] 高瑞昌. Representation of the actomyosin structure in white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) during the frozen storage by Raman spectroscopy .Journal of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology
- [5] 高瑞昌. Purification and characterisation of a salt-stable protease fromthe halophilic archaeon Halogranum rubrum .JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE
- [6] 高瑞昌. 热泵冷风干燥鲢鱼的挥发性盐基氮和脂质氧化品质模型 .农业工程学报
more+- [1] 刘桂武, 赵三团, 乔冠军 ,张相召 ,邵海成, 徐紫薇,一种在碳化硅表面真空熔覆金属涂层的方法, ZL201410493272.X,授权日:2016-04-27
- [2] 刘桂武,赵三团,乔冠军,张相召,沈湘黔,一种碳化硅陶瓷的表面金属化层及金属化方法,ZL201310392098.5, 授权日:2015-10-28
- [3] 刘桂武,张旭,邵海成,侯海港,一种CO气体检测用红外滤光片及其制备方法,ZL201610762640.5,授权日:2019-01-25
- [4] 刘桂武,张旭,邵海成,侯海港,一种火焰探测用红外滤光片及其制备方法,ZL201610762639.2,授权日:2019-01-25
- [5] 刘桂武,张旭,一种宽光谱红外吸收涂层的制备方法,ZL201610785977.8,授权日:2018-05-18
- [6] 刘桂武,邵海成,侯海港,一种温度探测用宽带红外滤光片及其制备方法, ZL201610589201.9, 授权日:2018-11-06
Published Books
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Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:中国海洋大学
Business Address:食品楼201室
Contact Information:0511-88780201