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饶德伟.Selective and energy-efficient electrosynthesis of ethylene from CO2 by tuning the valence of Cu catalysts through aryl diazonium functionalization
饶德伟.Defining the loading of single-atom catalysts: weight fraction or atomic fraction?
饶德伟.Supercritical CO2 assisted synthesis of highly accessible iron single atoms and clusters on nitrogen-doped carbon as efficient oxygen reduction electrocatalysts
饶德伟.Microstructure optimization of bioderived polyester nanofilms for antibiotic desalination via nanofiltration
饶德伟.Scalable and switchable CO2-responsive membranes with high wettability for separation of various oil/water systems
饶德伟.Synergistic interaction of Nb atoms anchored on g-C3N4 and H+ promoting high-efficiency nitrogen reduction reaction