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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1] Low-temperature synthesis of nano-sized TiC particles by ultrasound assisted melt-reaction of Al-K2TiF6-C system
[2] Effects of Zr element on the microstructure and mechanical properties of B4C/Al composites fabricated by melt stirring method
[3] Effect of Er on Microstructure and Properties of in-situ ZrB2/A356.2 Composites
[4] 稀土Er对A356.2合金微观组织和力学性能的影响 铸造技术,
[5] 超声化学原位合成纳米Al2O3/6063Al复合材料组织及高温蠕变性能 复合材料学报,
[6] Microstructure and performance of nanometer gamma-Al2O3p/Al composite fabricated in Al-Co3O4 components Materials Letters,
[7] Synchrotron radiation micro-beam analysis of the effect of strontium on primary silicon in Zn-27Al-3Si alloy Journal of Alloys and Compounds,
[8] Microstructure and Properties of In-Situ ZrB2 (np)/AA6111 Composites Synthesized Under an Electromagnetic Field Acta Metallurgica Sinica,
[9] Microstructure and mechanical properties of in-situ nano γ-Al2O3p/A356 aluminum matrix composite Journal of Alloys and Compounds,
[10] Effect of the Rare Earth Element Yttrium on the Structure and Properties of Boron-Containing High-Entropy Alloy Jom,
[11] Effects of particulate agglomerated degree on deformation behaviors and mechanical properties of in-situ ZrB2 nanoparticles reinforced AA6016 matrix composites by finite element modeling Materials Research Express,
[12] Flake thickness effect of Al2O3/Al biomimetic nanolaminated composites fabricated by flake powder metallurgy Materials Science and Engineering: A,
[13] An approach to the uniform dispersion of a high volume fraction of carbon nanotubes in aluminum powder Carbon,
[14] Enhanced thermal conductivity in diamond/aluminum composites with a tungsten interface nanolayer Materials & Design,
[15] Fabrication of diamond/aluminum composites by vacuum hot pressing: Process optimization and thermal properties Composites Part B: Engineering,
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