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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1] Effects of in-situ ZrB2 nanoparticles and scandium on microstructure and mechanical property of 7N01 aluminum alloy
[2] Enhanced creep resistance and microstructure in 7055 Al alloy by in-situ (Al2O3 2 O 3+ZrB2) 2 ) nanoparticles and Al3(Er, 3 (Er, Zr)
[3] Effects of hot deformation and in-situ ZrB2 particle on microstructure and tensile performance of AA7085 composite sheets
[4] Strength-ductility synergy of a laser welded 7085Al matrix nanocomposite joint: Interaction between ZrB2, Al3(Er, Zr) nanoparticles and MgZn2 precipitates
[5] High-temperature creep behavior and creep mechanism of in situ Al nanocomposites
[6] Influence of ZrB2 and Al2O3 nanoparticles on microstructure and mechanical property of friction stir welded joints of in-situ 7085Al matrix composites
[7] Effect of in-situ ZrB2 nanoparticles on microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welding joints in 7N01 matrix composites
[8] Improved strength and ductility on laser beam welded joints of 7085Al matrix nanocomposites by in-situ ZrB2 nanoparticles and Al3(Er, Zr) nanoprecipitates
[9] Microstructure and mechanical property evolution of in-situ ZrB2/AA7085 nanocomposites during hot rolling
[10] Effects of hot deformation on microstructure evolution, hardness, and intergranular corrosion of 7085 aluminum alloy sheets
[11] Microstructure and mechanical properties of laser beam welding joint of in-situ (ZrB2+Al2O3)/AA7N01 nanocomposites
[12] Investigation on the high strength and improved creep behavior of in-situ (Al2O3+ZrB2)/7055 Al nanocomposites
[13] Microstructure-based 3D finite element modeling of deformation and damage of (ZrB2+B4C)/6016Al hierarchical composites
[14] 原位纳米ZrB2颗粒增强7085铝合金的微观组织与力学性能研究
[15] Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of in-situ ZrB2/Al7085 nanocomposites during hot rolling deformation
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