- Gender:Male
- Name (Pinyin):zhangyiying
- E-Mail:zhangyiying@ujs.edu.cn
- Date of Employment:2021-06-01
- School/Department:电气信息工程学院
- Administrative Position:讲师(高校)
- Business Address:江苏省镇江市学府路301号江苏大学电气大楼A207
- Degree:doctor
- Professional Title:Lecturer
- Status:Employed
- Alma Mater:天津大学
- Teacher College:电气信息工程学院(高效能电机系统与智能控制研究院挂靠)
- Discipline:Control Theory and Engineering
Contact Information
- email:
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- Paper Publications
- Neural Network Algorithm With Reinforcement Learning for Parameters Extraction of Photovoltaic Mo...
- An improved generalized normal distribution optimization and its applications in numerical proble...
- Group teaching optimization algorithm with information sharing for numerical optimization and eng...
- Elite archives-driven particle swarm optimization for large scale numerical optimization and its ...
- Backtracking search algorithm driven by generalized mean position for numerical and industrial en...
- Chaotic neural network algorithm with competitive learning for global optimization
- Enhanced Jaya algorithm: A simple but efficient optimization method for constrained engineering d...