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Paper Publications
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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1] Heteroatom Engineering in Earth-Abundant Cobalt Electrocatalyst for Energy-Saving Hydrogen Evolution Coupling with Urea Oxidation
[2] Two-dimensional titanium carbide-supported ultrafine non-noble bimetallic nanocatalysts for remarkable hydrolytic evolution from ammonia borane
[3] Efficient and stable self-powered PbSe photodetectors via doping-induced asymmetric Cr electrodes modulation of surface work function
[4] Liquid iodine sensitization for enhanced mid-infrared detection of lead selenide films
[5] Effect of oxygen and nitrogen sensitization on structural, optical and electrical properties of PbSe thin films
[6] Influence of the thickness of p-GaN ohmic contact layer on the performance of AlGaN-based deep-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes
[7] Steady-state photoluminescence studies of TFA-CsPbBr3: Zn perovskite quantum dots
[8] Quasi-one-dimensional phosphorene nanoribbons grown on silicon by space-confined chemical vapor transport
[9] Effects of the high-temperature sensitization in argon atmosphere on the microstructure and properties of polycrystalline PbSe films
[10] Influence of period number of superlattice electron barrier layer on the performance of AlGaN-based deep ultraviolet LED
[11] In situ grown large-size highly crystalline black phosphorus thin film for self-driven photodetector
[12] Effect of oxide layer state on the photoelectric properties of thermally sensitized PbS thin films
[13] Fabrication, microstructures and optical reflectivity of TiAlN/NiCr composite coating
[14] Colloidal etching of deep ultraviolet LED with improved light extraction efficiency
[15] Ultrafine nickel-rhodium nanoparticles anchored on two-dimensional vanadium carbide for high performance hydrous hydrazine decomposition at mild conditions
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