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副研究员 硕士生导师 性别:男 入职时间:2018-11-01 在职信息:在职 所在单位:材料科学与工程学院 职务:副研究员 学历:博士研究生毕业 学位:博士 毕业院校:苏州大学
Scan attention
- [1] Lewis Acid Site Al-Promoted CoAl2O4/CoO Electrocatalyst for Efficient Electrochemical Production o…
- [2] Rigid-flexible coupling network solid polymer electrolytes for all-solid-state lithium metal batte…
- [3] Zn-In Alloying Powder Solvent Free Electrode Toward High-Load Ampere-Hour Aqueous Zn-Mn Secondary …
- [4] Co/VN heterojunction anchored on multi-dimensional N-doped carbon for high-performance zinc–air b…
- [5] Engineering Antiperovskite Ni4N/VN Heterostructure with Improved Intrinsic Interfacial Charge Tran…
- [6] Electronic structure modification of FeWO4 through F doping for enhanced oxygen reduction performa…
- [7] Band Engineering and Morphology Control of Oxygen-Incorporated Graphitic Carbon Nitride Porous Nan…
- [8] Non-stoichiometric CoS1.097 nanoparticles prepared from CoAl-layered double hydroxide and MOF temp…
- [9] Thermal dynamic study of the gradual desolvation in submicropores for carbon-based supercapacitor …
- [10] The mechanism of negative and positive hydrogen ions production on the Ni surface