- [11] 程广贵.Highly Sensitive and Durable, Triboelectric Based Self-Powered Nanosensor for Boundary Detection ...
- [12] 程广贵.微型薄板悬臂梁式测力传感器设计及偏载对其稳定性的影响
- [13] 程广贵.Electrical energy generation by squeezing a graphene-based aerogel in an electrolyte
- [14] 程广贵.Sunlight-Driven Continuous Flapping-Wing Motion
- [15] 李凯,程广贵.Research of Annealing and Boron Doping on SiOx/p+-Poly-Si Hole-Selective Passivated Contact
- [16] 李凯,程广贵.Design and research of non-contact triboelectric nanogenerator based on changing electrostatic fi...
- [17] 李凯,程广贵.Size Controllable Synthesis of Hard Carbon Spheres from D-Glucose Aqueous
- [18] 李凯,程广贵.Rotational Triboelectric Nanogenerator Based on PDMS@CSs Composite Material
- [19] 程广贵,李凯.A contact electrification based wind generator
- [20] 李凯,程广贵.Synthesis of Hard Carbon Iron Microspheres and Their Aqueous Based Tribological Performance under...
- 性别:男
- 职称:教授
- 毕业院校:江苏大学
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:机械工程学院
- 职务:教授
- 电子邮箱:ggcheng@ujs.edu.cn