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张祯.Wearable sensor platforms for real-time monitoring and early warning of metabolic disorders in humans
张祯.A metal-phenolic coordination framework nanozyme exhibits dual enzyme mimicking activity and its application is effective for colorimetric detection of biomolecules
张祯.Entropy-Driven Three-Dimensional DNA Nanofireworks for Simultaneous Real-Time Imaging of Telomerase and MicroRNA in Living Cells
张祯.Copper Peroxide Nanodots Encapsulated in a Metal-Organic Framework for Self-Supplying Hydrogen Peroxide and Signal Amplification of the Dual-Mode Immunoassay
张祯.Identification of novel homozygous missense and deletion mutations manifesting oligospermia infertility in Kashmiri population
张祯.Recent Progress in Biosensors Based on Biorecognition Molecules