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个人信息:Personal Information
教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
教师英文名称:Yin Yin
办公地点:School of Materials Science and Engineering Room 325
主要任职:Prof. Dr.
毕业院校:TU Chemnitz, Germany
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个人简介:Personal Profile
长期从事无机薄膜材料与器件研究,曾先后在德国开姆尼茨工业大学、德国莱布尼兹固体与材料研究所、新加坡南洋理工大学开展交流与合作,担任德国莱布尼兹固体与材料研究所客座研究员,并作为核心成员参与德国科学基金会(DFG)一般研究(Research Grant)、精英集群(Cluster of Excellence)、欧洲研究委员会(ERC)先进研究(Advanced Grant)等多个科研项目。
已发表学术论文46篇(均为SCI收录),其中以第一作者、通讯作者身份在光电器件、工程材料、物理学等领域期刊发表论文21篇,包括Science Advances,Phys. Rev. Lett.,Nano Lett.,ACS Nano,Laser Photon. Rev.等国际顶级期刊,被Phys. Rev. Lett.,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,Adv. Mater.,Nano Lett.,ACS Nano等国际顶级期刊论文以及Adv. Opt. Photonics,Chem. Rev.,Chem. Soc. Rev.等国际顶尖综述论文引用1300余次。
2006-2013:东南大学物理系, 本硕
年度 | 标题 | 作者 | 刊物 | 影响因子 | |
1 | 2021 | Nanogap Enabled Trajectory Splitting and 3D Optical Coupling in Self-Assembled Microtubular Cavities | 通讯作者 | ACS Nano | 15.881 |
2 | 2021 | Atomic Heterointerface Boosts the Catalytic Activity toward Oxygen Reduction/Evolution Reaction | 通讯作者 | Advanced Energy Materials | 29.368 |
3 | 2021 | Recent Progress on Optoplasmonic Whispering-Gallery-Mode Microcavities | 通讯作者 | Advanced Optical Materials | 9.926 |
4 | 2019 | Water nanostructure formation on oxide probed in situ by optical resonances | 第一作者 | Science Advances | 14.136 |
5 | 2019 | Deterministic yet flexible directional light emission from spiral nanomembrane cavities | 通讯作者 | ACS Photonics | 7.529 |
6 | 2019 | Silicon nitride nanobeam enhanced emission from all-inorganic perovskite nanocrystal | 第一作者 | Optics Express | 3.894 |
7 | 2019 | Graphene-activated optoplasmonic nanomembrane cavities for photodegradation detection | 第一作者 | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 9.229 |
8 | 2019 | 3D Ag/NiO-Fe2O3/Ag nanomembranes as carbon free cathode materials for Li-O2 batteries | 通讯作者 | Energy Storage Materials | 17.789 |
9 | 2018 | Curved nanomembrane-based concentric ring cavities for supermode hybridization | 通讯作者 | Nano Letters | 11.189 |
10 | 2018 | External strain enabled post-modification of nanomembrane-based optical microtube cavities | 通讯作者 | ACS Photonics | 7.529 |
11 | 2018 | In situ generation of plasmonic nanoparticles for manipulating photon-plasmon coupling in microtube cavities | 第一作者 | ACS Nano | 15.881 |
12 | 2018 | Strong coupling in a photonic molecule formed by trapping a microsphere in a microtube cavity | 通讯作者 | Advanced Optical Materials | 9.926 |
13 | 2017 | Silver nanocap enabled conversion and tuning of hybrid photon-plasmon modes in microtubular cavities | 第一作者 | ACS Photonics | 7.529 |
14 | 2017 | Topology induced anomalous plasmon modes in metallic Möbius nanorings | 第一作者 | Laser & Photonics Reviews | 13.138 |
15 | 2016 | Hierarchically porous Pd/NiO nanomembranes as cathode catalysts in Li-O2 batteries | 通讯作者 | Nano Energy | 17.881 |
16 | 2016 | Hybridization of photon-plasmon modes in metal-coated microtubular cavities | 第一作者 | Physical Review A | 3.14 |
17 | 2016 | Localized surface plasmons selectively coupled to resonant light in tubular microcavities | 第一作者 | Physical Review Letters | 9.161 |
18 | 2015 | Strongly hybridized plasmon-photon modes in optoplasmonic microtubular cavities | 第一作者 | Physical Review B | 4.036 |
19 | 2012 | Exploring Rolled-up Au-Ag Bimetallic Microtubes for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Sensor | 第一作者 | Journal of Physical Chemistry C | 4.126 |
20 | 2012 | Plasmonic nano-lasers | 第一作者 | Nano Energy | 17.881 |
21 | 2011 | Recent developments in optofluidic-surface-enhanced Raman scattering systems: Design, assembly, and advantages | 第一作者 | Journal of Materials Research | 3.089 |