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Scientific Research
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Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
杨竞.Unveiling the dynamic thermal separation process of CO2 on the surface of calcium oxide: An ab-initio molecular dynamics study with experimental verification
杨竞.Accelerated Discovery of CO2 Solid Sorbents Using Active Machine Learning: Review and Perspectives
杨竞.Efficient CO2 capture and in-situ electrocatalytic conversion on MgO surface by metal single-atom engineering: A comprehensive DFT study
杨竞.A comprehensive DFT study of the stabilization of methyl-mercury over Ag nanoparticles
杨竞.Study on the structure, electronics, and optics of gold cluster functionalized Mo2C based on strong metal support interaction: A comprehensive DFT study
杨竞.Activating a ceria-doped carbon nitride for elemental mercury adsorption by constructing a heterojunction interface: A DFT guided experimental study
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