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Dr. Tiemin Xuan, got his Ph.D. in Transport propulsion system at CMT Motores Térmicos, Polytechnic University of Valencia. He joined Jiangsu University as an Associate professor from May 2018. His research mainly focuses on optical study of sprays and combustion of IC engines. He has published several academic journal papers including the journal of "Combustion and flame", "International Journal of Engine Research", "Fuel" and so on. Now he is one of the Editor-Board-Member of the journal "Results in Engineering", a member of International combustion institute and reviewers of several JCR papers. Now he is the Principal Investigator of several research projects, including one national-level project and 3 province-level projects. In 2019, he got the honor as one of the Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talents from Jiangsu province.