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Mei Sun
Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1] A dimensionally reduction approach to study kink soliton and its fission and fusion process of (3+1)-dimensional KdV-CDG equation
[2] Analysis of carbon neutrality technology path selection in the steel industry under policy incentives
[3] A diverse array of optical solitons in the damped (2+1)-dimensional nonlinear Schr?dinger equation via the modified exponential rational function method and other distinct strategies
[4] Complex behaviors and various soliton profiles of (2+1)-dimensional complex modified Korteweg-de-Vries Equation
[5] Some new optical solitary waves solutions of a third order dispersive Schr?dinger equation with Kerr nonlinearity using an efficient approach associated with Riccati equation
[6] Bifurcations, chaotic behavior, sensitivity analysis, and various soliton solutions for the extended nonlinear Schr?dinger equation
[7] Rational solutions and some interactions phenomena of a (3+1)-dimensional BLMP equation in incompressible fluids: A Hirota bilinear method and dimensionally reduction approach
[8] How to realize the power demand side actively matching the supply side? ——A virtual real-time electricity prices optimization model based on credit mechanism
[9] Active and passive control of nanoparticles in squeezing flow under the influence of magnetic field of variable intensity
[10] Numerical Analysis of Unsteady Hybrid Nanofluid Flow Comprising CNTs-Ferrousoxide/Water with Variable Magnetic Field
[11] Steady Squeezing Flow of Magnetohydrodynamics Hybrid Nanofluid Flow Comprising Carbon Nanotube-Ferrous Oxide/Water with Suction/Injection Effect
[12] On Some Generalized Simpson's and Newton's Inequalities for (alpha, m)-Convex Functions in q-Calculus
[13] Event-Based Resilient Consensus of Second-Order Multi-Agent Systems Under Dos Attacks
[14] Multi-oligarch dynamic game model for regional power market with renewable portfolio standard policies
[15] How do carbon cap-and-trade mechanisms and renewable portfolio standards affect renewable energy investment?
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