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Yunxi Shi
Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1] Degradation of particulate matter utilizing non-thermal plasma: Evolution laws of morphological micro-nanostructure and elemental occurrence state
[2] Evaluating Discharge Performance and Catalytic Properties of Nanoscale Catalyst Dielectric Barrier Discharge System
[3] Effect of Reaction Temperature on the Degradation and Oxidation Behavior of Particulate Matter by Nonthermal Plasma
[4] Study on the Evolution of Physicochemical Properties of Carbon Black at Different Regeneration Stages of Diesel Particulate Filters Regenerated by Non-Thermal Plasma
[5] NTP再生DPF孔道内沉积颗粒物的理化特性
[6] Effect of Temperature-controlled conditions on the decomposition of particulate matter deposited in the diesel particulate filter channel by treatment with Non-thermal plasma
[7] Effect of temperature control conditions on DPF regeneration by nonthermal plasma
[8] Effect of nonthermal plasma with different ozone concentrations on the oxidation and removal of different components in particulate matter
[9] Effect of Ozone Mass Concentration on the Oxidation of Diesel Engine PM by Non-Thermal Plasma
[10] Evolution of particulate matter deposited in the DPF channel during low-temperature regeneration by non-thermal plasma
[11] Effects of removing carbon particles of different size with nonthermal plasma generated by packed-bed dielectric barrier discharge reactor
[12] Microcrystal Structure and C/O Element Occurrence State of Diesel PM by Non-Thermal Plasma Oxidation at Different Reaction Temperatures
[13] Experimental study on the parameter optimization and application of a packed-bed dielectric barrier discharge reactor in diesel particulate filter regeneration
[14] Analysis of the microstructure and elemental occurrence state of residual ash-PM following DPF regeneration by injecting oxygen into non-thermal plasma
[15] Effect of the amount of trapped particulate matter on diesel particulate filter regeneration performance using non-thermal plasma assisted by exhaust waste heat
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