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Paper Publications
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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1] A Novel Recommendation Algorithm Integrates Resource Allocation and Resource Transfer in Weighted Bipartite Network
[2] H-Louvain: Hierarchical Louvain-based community detection in social media data streams
[3] QoS prediction for smart service management and recommendation based on the location of mobile users
[4] A Social Sensing Model for Event Detection and User Influence Discovering in Social Media Data Streams
[5] Event Detection and Multi-source Propagation for Online Social Network Management
[6] A Survey on Event Tracking in Social Media Data Streams
[7] Data-Driven Diffusion Recommendation in Online Social Networks for the Internet of People
[8] A Dynamic Collaborative Filtering Algorithm based on Convolutional Neural Networks and Multi-layer Perceptron
[9] An efficient algorithm for link prediction based on local information: Considering the effect of node degree
[10] Human-Driven Dynamic Community Influence Maximization in Social Media Data Streams
[11] An Overlap Community Propagation Algorithm based on Topics and Community Structure in Social networks
[12] Edge intelligence-enabled dynamic overlapping community discovery and evolution prediction in social media data streams
[13] User interest community detection on social media using collaborative filtering
[14] A novel influence maximization algorithm for a competitive environment based on social media data analytics
[15] An Overlap Community Propagation Algorithm based on Topics Topics and Community Structure in Social networks
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