• 其他栏目


    • 副教授 硕士生导师
    • 性别:男
    • 毕业院校:兰州大学
    • 学历:博士研究生毕业
    • 学位:博士
    • 在职信息:在职
    • 所在单位:物理与电子工程学院
    • 入职时间: 2017-11-01
    • 学科:凝聚态物理
    • 办公地点:江苏大学实践楼411办公室
    • 电子邮箱:c@ujs.edu.cn









    主要从事AI for Science、强关联电子体系、光合作用机理的算法和应用研究。在Advanced Functional Materials ,J. Chem. Theory Comput.,Applied Physics Letters, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, J. Chem. Phy., J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Physics B等国际学术刊物上发表SCI论文数十篇



    1.   培养从事物理与计算机交叉方向的科学研究人才

    2.     培养从事机器学习、深度学习、人工智能方向的IT行业人才



    1. 第十九届“挑战杯”竞赛2024年度“揭榜挂帅”专项赛,《红外小目标融合探测》(计算机视觉领域)国家三等奖

    2. 第十九届“挑战杯”竞赛2024年度“揭榜挂帅”专项赛,《5G赋能现代农业与智能农机》国家三等奖

    3. 《端云协同的5G智慧农业平台》在第十八届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛“揭榜挂帅”专项赛国家三等奖

    4. 《江大新农人科技—端云协同的农情智能检测平台》第九届江苏省“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛产业命题赛道江苏省三等奖

    5. "基于深度学习的农情智能检测平台"在第五届中国研究生人工智能创新大赛”江苏大学校内选拔赛校级二等奖

    6. "端云协同的5G智慧农业平台"在第十二届“赢在江大 互联网+”大学生创业精英挑战赛校级二等奖

    7. "针对作物病虫害的端云协同农情智能检测系统"在第九届江苏大学智能农业装备创新大赛校级二等奖


    [1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目 (11904137)

    [2] 江苏大学高级人才启动基金(18JDG024)

    [1] 国家自然科学基金理论物理专项(11747081)



    1. AI for Science:




    2. 生成模型方法:


    3. AI Agent与强化学习


    ★代表性学术论文 (#同等贡献,*通讯作者)

    YOLO-MST: Multiscale deep learning method for infrared small target detection based on super-resolution and YOLO T Yue, X Lu, J Cai, Y Chen, S Chu arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.19878(to be published in Optics and Laser Technology),2025

    Discovery of 2D Materials via Symmetry-Constrained Diffusion Model S Xu, S Chu, R Mrad, Z Zhang, Z Li, R Jiao, Y Chen arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.18414(to be published), 2025

    Generative design of crystal structures by point cloud representations and diffusion model Z Li, R Mrad, R Jiao, G Huang, J Shan, S Chu, Y Chen iScience 28 (1),2025

    The studies of topological phases and energy braiding of non-Hermitian models using machine learning S Shi, S Chu, Y Xie, Y Chen Physica Scripta 100 (1), 015957,2024

    Universality of Optoelectronic and Thermoelectric Properties of Novel Two-Dimensional CrSiM2N (M= As, P and N= Se, Te) Monolayers and their vdWHs with MoTe2,S Chu*, Z Li, R Mrad, Q Gao, M Idrees* - Solid State Communications, 2024

    Discovery of magnesium-aluminum alloys by generative model and automatic differentiation approach

    S Cheng, Z Li, H Zhang, X Yan, S Chu* - Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and …, 2024

    Modulating electronic structure by interlayer spacing and twist on bilayer bismuthene

    H Zhang, S Cheng, Y Chen, S Chu* - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2024

    Unveiling the Low-Lying Spin States of [Fe3S4] Clusters via the Extended Broken-Symmetry Method

    S Chu*, Q Gao - Molecules, 2024

    Huang, Guan, et al. "A highly ductile carbon material made of triangle rings: A study of machine learning."
    Applied Physics Letters 124.4 (2024).

    Zhang, Duo, et al. "Algorithm Research on Detail and Contrast Enhancement of High Dynamic Infrared Images."
    Applied Sciences 13.23 (2023): 12649.

    Wang, Caihua, et al. "Revealing the Untapped Potential of Photocatalytic Overall Water Splitting in Metal Organic Frameworks."
    Advanced Functional Materials (2023): 2313596.

    S.B. Chu, D Bovi, F Cappelluti, AG Orellana, H Martin, L Guidoni*,Effects of static correlation between spin centers in multicenter transition metal complexes,
    Journal of chemical theory and computation 13 (10), 4675-4683,8,2017

    S.B. Chu, E Coccia, M Barborini, L Guidoni*,Role of electron correlation along the water splitting reaction,
    Journal of chemical theory and computation 12 (12), 5803-5810,42016

    S.B. Chu, L Hu, X Hu, M Yang, J Deng*,Titanium-embedded graphene as high-capacity hydrogen-storage media,
    International journal of hydrogen energy 36 (19), 12324-12328,67,2011

    S.B. Chu, X Hu, C Du, X Wu, Y Dai, L Hu, J Deng*, Y Feng,Open space for the physisorption of H2: cointercalation of graphite with Li, Ti metal atoms
    and ethylene molecules,International journal of hydrogen energy 35 (3), 1280-1284,17,2010

    XP Wei, JB Deng, GY Mao, SB Chu, XR Hu*,Half-metallic properties for the Ti2YZ (Y= Fe, Co, Ni, Z= Al, Ga, In) Heusler alloys: a first-principles study,
    Intermetallics 29, 86-91,106,2012

    XP Wei, JB Deng, SB Chu, GY Mao, LB Hu, MK Yang, XR Hu*,A first principles study on the full-Heusler compound Mn2CuSb,
    Computational Materials Science 50 (3), 1175-1178,30,2011

    XP Wei, JB Deng, SB Chu, GY Mao, T Lei, XR Hu*,Half-metallic ferrimagnetism in Full-Heusler alloy Mn2CuMg,
    Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 323 (1), 185-188,23,2011

    X.P. Wei, S.B. Chu, GY Mao, H Deng, T Lei, XR Hu*,First-principles study of properties of Mn2ZnMg alloy,
    Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 323 (17), 2295-2299,15,2011


    1.   谷歌学术:   https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=2evllU0AAAAJ&hl=en

    2.   Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Shibing_Chu



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    2009.9 -- 2014.6
    兰州大学       理论物理       博士研究生毕业       理学博士学位

    2005.9 -- 2009.6
    兰州大学       物理学       大学本科毕业       理学学士学位


    2017.11 -- 至今

    江苏大学      物理与电子工程学院      副教授

    2014.10 -- 2017.9

    罗马大学      物理学院      博士后


  • 1.    AI for Science:
    2.    生成模型方法:
    3.    AI Agent与强化学习