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Paper Publications
Current position:
Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1] Numerical investigations on performance improvement mechanism of a high-power vertical centrifugal pump with special emphasis on hydraulic component matching
[2] Comparative study on the wake dynamics of pump-jet and ducted propeller based on dynamic mode decomposition
[3] Investigation on passive suppression method of hump characteristics in a large vertical volute centrifugal pump: Using combined diffuser vane structure
[4] Experimental Study on the Classification and Evolution of the Tip Cavitation Morphology in Axial Waterjet Pumps with Two Different Blade Numbers
[5] 大型立式离心泵故障停机过渡过程旋涡流时空演变的数值研究
[6] Numerical study on unsteady cavitation flow and vortex dynamics characteristics around the Delft Twist 11 hydrofoil
[7] Numerical Investigation on Cavitation Vortex Dynamics of a Centrifugal Pump Based on Vorticity Transport Method
[8] Numerical investigation on hydrodynamic performance of a pre-swirl stator pump-jet propulsor with special emphasis on energy loss mechanism
[9] Unsteady numerical investigations of the effect of guide vane openings on the hydrodynamic characteristics under stall conditions in a pump-turbine pump mode
[10] Numerical investigation of hump characteristic improvement in a large vertical centrifugal pump with special emphasis on energy loss mechanism
[11] Effects of cavitation on the hydrodynamic loading and wake vortex evolution of a pre-swirl pump-jet propulsor
[12] Experimental Study on Unsteady Cavitating Flow and Its Instability in Liquid Rocket Engine Inducer
[13] Experimental and numerical investigation of tip leakage vortex cavitation in an axial flow pump under design and off-design conditions
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