- nullCCTG-NET: Contextualized Convolutional Transformer-GRU Network for speech emotion recognition
- null基于时间分段和重组聚类的说话人日志方法
- nullTE-KWS: Text-Informed Speech Enhancement for Noise-Robust Keyword Spotting
- null基于多尺度距离矩阵的语音关键词检测与细粒度定位方法
- nullLeveraging Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training and Bidirectional Cross-attention for Multimodal Keyword Spotting
- nullOn Local Temporal Embedding for Semi-Supervised Sound Event Detection
- nullDual-path transformer network: Direct context-aware modeling for end-to-end monaural speech separation
- nullLearning Device-invariant and Location-invariant Embedding for Speaker Verification Using Adversarial Multi-task Training
- nullWeakly Supervised Sentiment-Specific Region Discovery for VSA
- nullReproducibility Companion Paper: On Learning Disentangled Representation for Acoustic Event Detection