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论文成果 查看更多>
- 1 毛飞. Resveratrol alleviates inflammatory bowel disease by inhibiting JAK2/ STAT3 pathway activity via the reduction of O-GlcNAcylation of STAT3 in intestinal epithelial cells
- 2 毛飞. The emerging role of the gut microbiota and its application in inflammatory bowel disease
- 3 毛飞. CircRNAs as promising biomarkers of inflammatory bowel disease and its associated-colorectal cancer
- 4 毛飞. The Effects of Mesenchymal Stem Cell on Colorectal Cancer
- 5 毛飞. Resveratrol Attenuates Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Mice by Regulating SUMO1
- 6 毛飞. Cellular and molecular mediators of lymphangiogenesis in inflammatory bowel disease
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科研项目 查看更多>
- 1 HucMSC-ex调控结肠上皮细胞m6A修饰修复IBD的研究 , 2024-01-31
- 2 人脐带间充质干细胞来源外泌体调控铁死亡修复IBD的机制研究 , 2022-11-10
- 3 人脐带MSCs调控巨噬细胞修复炎症性肠病的机制研究
- 4 人脐带间充质干细胞来源外泌体调控NLRP3炎症小体修复炎症性肠病的作用机制研究 , 2020-05-01 -2021-04-01
- 5 HucMSC调控巨噬细胞15-LOX-1表达促进炎症性肠病修复的机制研究 , 2017-01-01 -2020-12-31
- 6 间质干细胞通过调节中性粒细胞修复炎症性肠病的作用及机制研究 , 2019-06-01 -2021-05-31