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Paper Publications
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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1] 养殖肥水喷灌条件下摇臂式喷头水力性能研究
[2] Design, optimization, and analysis of a new sprinkler with intermittent water-dispersing needle: Integration of RF-NSGA II algorithm and CFD simulation
[3] Optimising the hydraulic performance of a jet impingement sprinkler by varying elevation angle: A Comparative study with a non-impingement sprinkler
[4] Accurate model development for predicting sprinkler water distribution on undulating and mountainous terrain
[5] Numerical simulation and experimental study of jet breakup using a water dispersal needle in irrigation sprinklers
[6] Numerical simulation of the effect of varying dispersion tooth insertion depth on the jet breakup and hydraulic performance
[7] Hydraulic performance of the rotational damping sprinkler: Analysis of the force acting on diffuser tooth I
[8] Research on the Control System for the Use of Biogas Slurry as Fertilizer
[9] 射流撞击式低压喷头设计与水力性能试验
[10] Research Progress and Analysis on Comprehensive Utilization of Livestock and Poultry Biogas Slurry as Agricultural Resources
[11] Enhancing hydraulic efficiency in jet impingement sprinklers: Comparative analysis of aperture ratios compared with non-impingement sprinklers
[12] Experimental research on the jet-breaking characteristics and hydraulic performance of a novel automatic rotating sprinkler
[13] Experimental Study on Water Distribution and Droplet Kinetic Energy Intensity from Non-Circular Nozzles with Different Aspect Ratios
[14] Effects of the depth of the needle-shaped water dispersion device inserted into the jet on the jet breakup of sprinklers
[15] Droplet distribution characteristics of impact sprinklers with circular and noncircular nozzles: Effect of nozzle aspect ratios and equivalent diameters
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