Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Academic Honor:
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陈娟荣.The Controlled Synthesis of Flower-Like TiO2 Nanosheets with Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance
陈娟荣.Exceptional levofloxacin adsorption/photo-regeneration cycles using nanosheets-like hollow TiO2 adsorbent: Adsorption performance and mechanism
陈娟荣.Activated carbon modified titanium dioxide/bismuth trioxide adsorbent: One-pot synthesis, high removal efficiency of organic pollutants, and good recyclability
陈娟荣.One-pot synthesis of porous TiO2/BiOI adsorbent with high removal efficiency and excellent recyclability towards tetracyclines
陈娟荣.Excellent chemoselective hydrogenation of nitroaromatics and unsaturated aldehyde at the confined silver nanospace
陈娟荣.Novel p-n heterojunction Bi2O3/Ti3+-TiO2 photocatalyst enables the complete removal of tetracyclines under visible light