个人信息: Personal information
- 白红叶. Adsorption-Activation Bifunctional Center of Al/Co-Base Catalyst for Boosting 5-Hydroxymethylfurf...
- 白红叶. Highly Self-Healing Co3+/Ni3+ Dual-Active Species for the Electrocatalytic Oxidation of 5-Hydroxy...
- 白红叶. Indium vacancy modulated BiVO4/ZnIn2S4 for photoelectrochemical production of ammonia
- 白红叶. FCF-LDH/BiVO4 with synergistic effect of physical enrichment and chemical adsorption for efficien...
- 白红叶. Mechanistic insights for dual-species evolution toward 5-hydroxymethylfurfural oxidation
- 白红叶. Strengthening the Stability of the Reconstructed NiOOH Phase for 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural Oxidatio...
- 白红叶. Photoelectrochemical nitrate reduction to ammonia over BiVO4/2D macromolecular with extremely low...
- 白红叶. Understanding the role of Ce sites for boosting PEC-NIRR without externally applied potentials
- 白红叶. CeO2/Ni-MOF with Synergistic Function of Enrichment and Activation: Efficient Reduction of 4-Nitr...
- 白红叶. CuPc decorating NiO for efficient photoelectrochemical ammonia production