Xiaoxi Li
Personal Homepage
Current location: M&T Lab >> M&T

Research Fields: The occurrence patterns, molecular mechanisms, and intervention strategies of tumor dissemination and organotropism.

Welcome to M&T research group!

Research Summary: With the aim of developing anti-tumor strategies and novel drug targets discovery of anti-tumor biologics, we will study the mechanism of invasion/metastasis and drug resistance of malignant tumors, design and evaluate synthetic lethal strategies and drug combination regimens, and ultimately enhance the therapeutic effect of anti-tumor drugs, improve the prognosis of patients, and prolong patient survival. In addition, cooperating with other biotech laboratories and biopharmaceutical companies, develop novel biological drugs or therapies, develop and optimize novel animal models of cancer for efficacy evaluation.

About M&T: Establishing the M-Modeling for cancer research and developing precise T-Therapy strategies.

Personal information

Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Alma Mater : CEMCS-SIBCB

Discipline:Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics

Business Address : Room 1221, Building 2, School of Medicine

Contact Information : Email:lixiaoxi@ujs.edu.cn

Email : lixiaoxi@ujs.edu.cn

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