
- 性别:男
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:博士
- 所在单位:江苏大学
- 入职时间: 1981-07-01
[61] 马伟伟,张宇锋,Ma, Weiwei,郝桐帆,马平,周志平,秦玲,Wang, Yangyang.Novel N-doped hierarchically porous carbons derived from sustainable shrimp shell for high-performan
[62] 李涛,马伟伟,秦玲,周志平,野绪波,郝桐帆.Molecular simulations of crystallization behaviors of polymers grafted on two-dimensional filler
[63] 秦玲,野绪波,李萍,周志平,李涛.Novel N-doped hierarchically porous carbons derived from sustainable shrimp shell for high-performan
[64] 郝桐帆,李萍,李涛,马平,周志平.Synthesis and evaluation of a molecularly imprinted polymer with high-efficiency recognition for dib
[65] 马平,李萍,Ma, Weiwei,秦玲,周志平.A mesoporous fluorescent sensor based on ZnO nanorods for the fluorescent detection and selective re
[66] 秦玲,马平,野绪波,周志平,Ma, Weiwei.文科博士生跨学科研究的探讨——基于多学科的高等教育研究论坛论文集的分析
[67] 秦玲,郝桐帆,周志平,张宇锋.The radius of gyration of the products of hyperbranched polymerization
[68] 野绪波,秦玲,郝桐帆,李萍,周志平.Temperature dependence of polypropylene configurations
[69] 李萍,周志平,秦玲,野绪波,李涛,马平,郝桐帆.Kinetic analysis of A(2) + AB + B-3 hyperbranched polymerization approach
[70] 马平,李涛,周志平,张瑞龙.Synthesis of Novel Magnetic Water-Soluble Chitosan as Potential Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast
[71] 马平,秦玲,郝桐帆,周志平,葛文娜.Reaserch on an electronic control system of CNG/diesel dual fuel engine
[72] 李萍,秦玲,李涛,周志平.Reactable ionic liquid-assisted solvothermal synthesis of flower-like bismuth oxybromide microsphere
[73] 李涛,野绪波,马平,周志平.Preparation of zinc borates with different structures and morphologies and their effect on thermal a
[74] 李萍,秦玲,周志平.Preparation and hierarchical porous structure of biomorphic woodceramics from sugarcane bagasse
[75] Lu, Haifeng,马鹏飞,Gao, Zhikun,Cui, Jiuyun,周志平.Preparation of Surface Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Selective Removal and Determination of Sul
[76] 马鹏飞,Chen, Xiaoqiang,周志平,Gao, Zhikun,Cui, Jiuyun.Preparation and application of sulfadiazine surface molecularly imprinted polymers with temperature-
[77] Gao, Zhikun,Liu, Hongbo,周志平,Cui, Jiuyun,Lu, Haifeng,Chen, Xiaoqiang,郝桐帆.Fluorometric determination of sulfadiazine by using molecularly imprinted poly(methyl methacrylate)
[78] Chen, Xiaoqiang,Cui, Jiuyun,马鹏飞,周志平,马伟伟.Ratiometric fluorescence nanosensors based on core- shell structured carbon/ CdTe quantum dots and s
[79] 马鹏飞,Gao, Zhikun,Cui, Jiuyun,Lu, Haifeng,Liu, Hongbo,周志平,野绪波.Facile synthesis of degradable CA/CS imprinted membrane by hydrolysis polymerization for effective s
[80] Liu, Hongbo,Chen, Xiaoqiang,周志平,Lu, Haifeng,李萍.The orientational order of the α-helical backbone of Poly(γ-benzyl L-glutamate)-A molecular dynami