G.R. Li, Y.T. Zhao*, H.M. Wang, G. Chen, In situ Fabrication and Properties of Al3Ti(p)/6351 Composites, in: Z.Y. Jiang, J.T. Han, X.H. Liu (Eds.), New Materials and Advanced Materials, Pts 1 and 22011, pp. 1437-1440.
发布时间:2023-09-09 点击次数:
论文名称:G.R. Li, Y.T. Zhao*, H.M. Wang, G. Chen, In situ Fabrication and Properties of Al3Ti(p)/6351 Composites, in: Z.Y. Jiang, J.T. Han, X.H. Liu (Eds.), New Materials and Advanced Materials, Pts 1 and 22011, pp. 1437-1440.
上一条:S.Q. Wang, M.X. Wei, Y.T. Zhao*, Effects of the tribo oxide and matrix on dry sliding wear characteristics and mechanisms of a cast steel, Wear 269(5–6) (2010) 424-434.
下一条:C. Guan, G. Chen, X. Kai, X. Gao, L. Huang, R. Cao, W. Qian, Y. Zhao*, Transformation of dislocation strengthening mechanisms induced by graphene nanoplates and ZrB2 nanoparticle in nanolaminated Al matrix composites, Mater. Charact. 199 (2023) 112773.