G.R. Li, M. Liu, H.M. Wang, D. Zhang, F. Tang, C.W. Wang, Y.T. Zhao*, G. Chen, X.Z. Kai, Effect of the Rare Earth Element Yttrium on the Structure and Properties of Boron Containing High Entropy Alloy, Jom 72(6) (2020) 2332-2339.
发布时间:2023-09-09 点击次数:
论文名称:G.R. Li, M. Liu, H.M. Wang, D. Zhang, F. Tang, C.W. Wang, Y.T. Zhao*, G. Chen, X.Z. Kai, Effect of the Rare Earth Element Yttrium on the Structure and Properties of Boron Containing High Entropy Alloy, Jom 72(6) (2020) 2332-2339.
上一条:Z.Y. Zhang, R. Yang, G. Chen, Q. Zhu, Y.T. Zhao*, F. Chen, C.L. Wang, Hierarchical microstructure and mechanical properties of extruded ZrB2/2024Al nanocomposite, Mater. Sci. Eng. A Struct. Mater. Prop. Microstruct. Process. 761 (2019) 4.
下一条:Z.Y. Zhang, G. Chen, S.L. Zhang, Y.T. Zhao*, R. Yang, M.P. Liu, Enhanced strength and ductility in ZrB2/2024Al nanocomposite with a quasi network architecture, J. Alloy. Compd. 778 (2019) 833-838.