- Master Tutor
- Gender:
- Name (Pinyin):zhangsai
- E-Mail:zhangsai@ujs.edu.cn
- Date of Employment:2016-01-01
- School/Department:物理与电子工程学院
- Administrative Position:副教授
- Business Address:理学院实践楼310室
- Contact Information:18451913211
- Degree:doctor
- Professional Title:Associate professor
- Alma Mater:厦门大学
- Teacher College:物理与电子工程学院
- Discipline:Acoustics
Electronics Science and Technology(Natural Science)
Contact Information
- email:
- Telephone:
- PostalAddress:
- ZipCode:
- Paper Publications
FEM-based analysis on sensing out-of-plane displacements of low-order Lamb wave modes by CMUTs
Release time:2024-08-05 Hits:
- First Author张赛
- Affiliation of Author(s):物理与电子工程学院
- ISSN No.:0021-8979
- Translation or Not:no