2020年6月 毕业于哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院材料加工工程专业,获工学博士学位(导师:冯吉才教授/亓钧雷教授);
2017年12月-2019年11月 赴美国宾夕法尼亚大学材料科学与工程学院材料工程专业进行为期2年的博士联合培养(导师:Eric Detsi教授);
2020年8月-2021年4月 于北京市遥感设备研究所(中国航天科工集团第二研究院)工作,从事微波高密度集成先进工艺研究与生产工作,师从姬峰副总工艺师。
共发表论文50+篇,H因子19,单篇最高JIF 10.5,单篇最高他引108次,总他引960余次,获授权专利16项。
Google Scholar个人主页:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=SX5kQ8QAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN&oi=sra
(1) Peixin Li, Zeyu Wang*(共同通讯作者+共同第一作者), Yicheng Chen, Hassaan Ahmad Butt, Zilong Zhang, Ziyao Huang, Tianlei Zhang, Liang Qiao, Ying Zhong, Dmitry Krasnikov, Albert Nasibulin, Jian Cao, Yaotian Yan, Junlei Qi*(共同通讯作者). Mechanical strength enhancement of C/SiC–Nb brazed joints through ultrafast high-entropy and temperature non-equilibrium surface metallization, Carbon, 2025, submitted.
(2) Hassaan A. Butt, Dmitry V. Krasnikov, Vladislav A. Kondrashov, Boris S. Voloskov, Stepan D. Konev, Sergei P. Shadrov, Anna I. Vershinina, Sergey D. Shandakov, Zeyu Wang, Alexander M. Korsunsky, Ivan V. Sergeichev. Multifunctional nanocomposite assessment using carbon nanotube fiber sensors, Carbon, 2025, submitted.
(3) Sergei P. Shadrov, Hassaan Ahmad Butt, Aliya R. Vildanova, Ekaterina E. Agafonova, Veronika A. Dmitrieva, Vladislav A. Kondrashov, Yaotian Yan, Junlei Qi, Zeyu Wang, Dmitry V. Krasnikov. Carbon nanotube fibers provide no measurement contribution when monitoring CNT/epoxy nanocomposites, Carbon, 2025, submitted.
(4) Mengying Yang, Hassaan Ahmad Butt, Yangju Feng, Dmitry Krasnikov, Yucheng Lei, Albert G. Nasibulin, Yaotian Yan, Junlei Qi, Zeyu Wang*(独立通讯作者). A novel approach for revealing the metallurgical resistance of graphene to titanium through Ag-Cu-Ti eutectic alloy wetting behavior, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2025, under review.
(5) Xinyang Xu, Yingguan Xiao, Rui Zhao*(共同通讯作者), Zhengliang Yin, Hassaan Ahmad Butt, Manni Li*(共同通讯作者), Zeyu Wang*(共同通讯作者). Tailored TiO2/WO3 Composites for Enhanced Electrocatalytic and Photocatalytic Applications, Ceramics International, 2025, in press.
(6) Kun Zhang, Yian Shi, Dongyang Han, Hassaan Ahmad Butt, Zeyu Wang*(共同通讯作者), Manni Li*(共同通讯作者). One-Step Chemical Dealloying Synthesis of a Multi-Structured Cu2Sb/Sb2O3/Cu/Cu2O Nanocomposite Anode for Advanced Sodium-Ion Batteries, Journal of Materails Science, 2025, accepted.
(7) 王志杰,琚震江,赵洪,施兴富,吴林军,王泽宇*(独立通讯作者). TA1保温杯超薄板窄间距激光焊接工艺优化, 电焊机, 2025, 已接收.
(8) 崔孟悦,舒景超,王泽宇*(独立通讯作者),韩柯,雷玉成. 超声频脉冲电弧对AZ80镁合金TIG焊接接头组织及性能的影响, 焊接, 2025, 已接收.
(9) 李国坤,杨梦颖,潘远樵,冯鑫鑫,王怡如,王泽宇*(独立通讯作者).“芯-鞘”结构强化Cf/SiC-Nb钎焊接头成型机理, 焊接学报, 2025, 已接收.
(1) Zeyu Wang(共同第一作者), Guokun Li, Mengying Yang, Manni Li*, Xinxin Feng, Yucheng Lei, An In-situ3D Core-Sheath Interlayer Utilized for Reinforcing a WC-Co/ 3Cr13 Brazed Joint, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 107 (2024) 5981-5992.
(2) c, Mengying Yang, Hassaan Ahmad Butt, Guokun Li, Manni Li, Hongliang Li, Ke Han, Yucheng Lei, A Novel In-Situ forming 3D Core-Sheath Interlayer Designed to Strengthen Cf/C Composite-Nb Joints During Brazing, Materials Characterization, 208 (2024) 113661.
(3) Guokun Li, Zeyu Wang*(独立通讯作者+共同第一作者), Hassaan Ahmad Butt, Fuhang Zheng, Mengying Yang, Yucheng Lei, Cf/SiC-Nb brazed joint enhancement using a CNTs covered Cu foam as a composite interlayer prepared through electrophoretic deposition, Ceramics International, 50 (2024) 388884-38895.
(4) Guokun Li, Zeyu Wang*(独立通讯作者), Hassaan Ahmad Butt, Mengying Yang, Hongliang Li, Ke Han, Yucheng Lei, Mechanically enhancing a brazed joint of WC-Co/3Cr13 by utilizing a nanoporous Cu lamina interlayer prepared by chemical dealloying, Materials Letters, 356 (2024) 135530.
(5) Manni Li, Tian Qiu, Samuel S. Welborn, Alexandre C. Foucher, Jintao Fu, Benjamin K. Lesel, Zeyu Wang, Lin Wang, Eric A. Stach, Andrew M. Rappe, Eric Detsi. Understanding the fast kinetics and mechanism of sodium storage in antimony using ab initio grand canonical monte carlo simulation and operando X-ray scattering, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 12 (2024) 3671-3681.
(6) Dan Wang, Feng Zhang, Eakkachai Warinsiriruk, Qiang Zhu, Tianqing Li, Hongliang Li, Nan Xu, Ke Han, Zeyu Wang, Shaowei Yang. A novel method for evaluating solidification cracking susceptibility of austenitic stainless steel using trapezoidal hot cracking test during laser welding, Optics & Laser Technology, 175 (2024) 110789.
(7) German V. Rogozhkin, Nikita E. Gordeev, Hassaan A. Butt, Vladislav A. Kondrashov, Anastasia E. Goldt, Veronika A. Dmitrieva, Aliya R. Vildanova, Stepan D. Konev, Ivan V. Sergeichev, Zeyu Wang, Junlei Qi, Yaotian Yan, Dzmitry V. Adamchuk, Sergey A. Maksimenko, Dmitry V. Krasnikov, Albert G. Nasibulin. Mechanically neutral and facile monitoring of thermoset matrices with ultrathin and highly porous carbon nanotube films, Carbon, 230 (2024) 119603.
(8) 雷玉成, 叶茂成, 王泽宇, 朱强, 赵信毅, 陈浩. 一种超声辅助电弧焊接装置, 2024-09-27, 中国, ZL 2022 1 0025128.8.
(1) Zeyu Wang*(独立通讯作者), Ziyang Zhang, Hassaan Ahmad Butt, Mengying Yang, Guokun Li, Manni Li, Yangju Feng, Chemically Dealloyed Mg-Cu Alloy Lamina as An Interlayer for Reinforcing A C/C composite – TC4 Alloy Vacuum Brazed Joint, Vacuum, 217 (2023) 112559
(2) Zeyu Wang, Zhenjiang Ju, Hassaan Butt, Guokun Li, Tianmou Zhao, Zhao Mo, Manni Li*, Zhijie Wang*, In situ dispersed carbon fibre network for reinforcing a C/C composite-TC4 alloy brazed joint, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2023, 28(3): 235-241.
(3) Zeyu Wang, Hongyang Cao, Hongliang Li*, Dan Wang, Hongbo Xia, Hassaan Ahmad Butt, Manni Li, Duo Liu, Effects of laser welding parameters on the porosity and acicular phase in SiCp/6092 aluminum matrix composite welded joints, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 23: 5127-5141.
(4) 王泽宇, 刘海霞, 朱强. 人工智能对高等教育的影响分析. 中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)教育科学. 2023年 第9月: 38-41.
(5) 王泽宇, 杨梦颖, 李国坤, 吴依凡, 郭宸赫, 雷玉成. 一种中空网状柔性碳海绵过渡层辅助纤维增强复合材料或陶瓷与金属钎焊的方法, 2023-07-31, 中国, CN202310953900.7.
(6) Ming Yang, Zeyu Wang*(独立通讯作者), Manni Li, Zhengliang Yin, Hassaan Ahmad Butt, The synthesis, mechanisms, and additives for bio-compatible polyvinyl alcohol hydrogels: A review on current advances, trends, and future outlook, Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology, 2023, 29(6): 939-959.
(7) Maocheng Ye, Zeyu Wang*(独立通讯作者+共同第一作者), Hassaan Ahmad Butt, Mengying Yang, Hao Chen, Ke Han, Mengyue Cui, Yucheng Lei, Enhancing the joint of dissimilar aluminum alloys through MIG welding approach assisted by ultrasonic frequency pulse, Materials Letters, 2023, 330: 133289.
(8) 乔永丰, 雷玉成, 姚奕强, 王泽宇, 朱强. 焊接方法对316L不锈钢焊缝抗辐照损伤性能的影响[J]. 焊接学报. 2023, 44(5): 1-8.
(9) Yongfeng Qiao, Yucheng Lei*, Yiqiang Yao, Xinyi Zhao, Zeyu Wang. Effect of weld geometry on irradiation damage resistance of 316L stainless steel weld at 400 ℃, Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60 (2023) 930-942.
(10) Ke Han, Yunhu Cao, Hongliang Li, Chengyu Hu, Zeyu Wang, Duo Liu, Jianfeng Wang, Qiang Zhu, Influence of Butter Layer Thickness on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Underwater Wet 16Mn/304L Dissimilar Welded Joint, Materials, 16 (2023) 6646.
(11) Zhihuan Miao, Guanyu Wu, Qi Wang, Jinman Yang, Zeyu Wang, Pengcheng Yan, Peipei Sun, Yucheng Lei, Zhao Mo, Hui Xu, Recent advances in graphitic carbon nitride-based photocatalysts for solar-driven hydrogen production, Materials Reports: Energy, 2023: 100235.
(12) Yongfeng Qiao, Hassaan Ahmad Butt, Yucheng Lei*, Yiqiang Yao, Zeyu Wang, Hao Chen, Identifying the influence of the ultrasonic-arc technique on the He+ irradiation damage resistance of CLAM steel TIG welds, Journal of Materials Science, 58 (2023) 5989-6008.
(13) Peixin Li, Yaotian Yan, Jinghuang Lin, Yicheng Chen, Pengcheng Wang, Zeyu Wang, Jinchun Tu, Liang Qiao, Zhengxiang Zhong, Jian Cao, Junlei Qi, Interfacial bonding mechanism and joint weakness area of brazed SiC and Nb with AuNi filler alloy: First‐principles and experimental perspective, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 106 (2023) 6255-6267.
(14) 亓钧雷, 闫耀天, 马蔷, 王泽宇. 复合材料先进连接技术. 科学出版社, 2023, ISBN: 9787030752963.
王泽宇, 霸金, 亓钧雷, 冯吉才; 2019年度中国机械工程学会优秀论文奖, 中国机械工程学会, 自然科学, 其他, 2019 (学术奖励);
王泽宇. 碳质多孔材料过渡层辅助Cf/C复合材料-金属钎焊机理浅析, 中国机械工程学会焊接分会——第五届青年工作者学术研讨会, 山东省威海市, 2023-04-28 (邀请报告)
王泽宇. 碳质网络结构中间层辅助复合材料-金属钎焊行为研究, 第二十四届钎焊及特种连接技术交流会, 浙江省宁波市, 2023-05-09 (邀请报告)
王泽宇. 三维网状中间层的结构优化设计及其辅助复合材料与金属钎焊机理, 第二十七次全国焊接学术会议, 江苏省南京市, 2023-10-24 (分会场报告)
王泽宇. 基于芯鞘多孔复合中间层设计的高强韧Cf/C-Nb异质接头成形机理, 中国机械工程学会焊接分会——第六届青年工作者第六届学术研讨会, 山东省济南市, 2024-04-20 (分会场报告)
Frontiers in Chemistry - Review Editor;
Metals特刊“Laser Processing Technology and Principles of Metal Materials”客座编辑;
Advanced Materials, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, Composites Part: B Engineering等期刊审稿人;
(1) 杨梦颖等. “江煤科技杯”第四届江苏省大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛,二等奖,2024(指导教师);
(2) 杨梦颖等. 江苏大学第十六届节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛,三等奖,2024(指导教师);
(3) 曾琳等. 第六届全国大学生焊接创新大赛,一等奖, 2023(指导教师);
(4) 叶茂成等. “双良杯”第三届江苏省大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛,二等奖,2023(指导教师);
(5) 叶茂成等. 江苏大学第十五届节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛,三等奖,2023(指导教师);
(6) 赵天眸等. 第五届全国大学生焊接创新大赛,一等奖, 2021(指导教师).
(1) 江苏大学材料科学与工程学院教学竞赛二等奖. 2022.
(2) 江苏大学材料科学与工程学院课程思政教学案例设计大赛三等奖. 2022.
杨梦颖(博三, 研究方向:异种材料钎焊连接)
李国坤(研三, 研究方向:异种材料钎焊连接,硕士研究生国家奖学金)
崔孟悦(研三, 研究方向:异种材料钎焊连接熔钎焊)
冯鑫鑫(研二, 研究方向:异种材料钎焊连接)
郑富航(研二, 研究方向:异种材料钎焊连接)
曲直 (研一, 研究方向:异种材料钎焊连接)
王怡如(大三, 研究方向:异种材料钎焊连接,国家级大创项目负责人)
2024年度:[本科生] 张晨晨(保送中国科学院大学攻读硕士研究生)(毕业设计/论文推优)、张国龙(考研)。
2023年度:[硕士生(协助指导)] 叶茂成(远景能源有限公司)(校优秀毕业生)、陈浩(中铁建电气化局集团康远新材料有限公司);
[本科生] 吴依凡(大全变压器有限公司)(毕业设计/论文推优)、琚震江(航天锂电科技(江苏)有限公司)(毕业设计/论文推优)、伍云富(江苏慧峰仁和环保科技有限公司)、 赵天眸(考研)。
2022年度:[本科生] 肖定强(湘潭大学读研)、王国震(大连船舶重工集团有限公司)(毕业设计/论文推优)、锁红家(无锡深南电路有限公司)、于杰(待业)、曾维康(柳州赛克科技发展有限公司)。
Gender : Male
Alma Mater : 哈尔滨工业大学
Education Level : With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree : doctor
Status : Employed
School/Department : 材料科学与工程学院
Discipline:Material Process Engineering
Business Address : 江苏省镇江市京口区学府路301号江苏大学
Contact Information : 电子邮箱
Email : zywang@ujs.edu.cn
Honors and Titles:
第六届全国大学生焊接创新大赛一等奖(指导教师) 2023
江苏大学材料科学与工程学院教学竞赛二等奖 2023
2022中国大学生机械工程创新创意大赛专项赛事:第十三届铸造工艺设计大赛(指导教师) 2022
第五届全国大学生焊接创新大赛一等奖(指导教师) 2021
江苏大学材料科学与工程学院课程思政教学案例设计大赛三等奖 2022
中国机械工程学会科技奖(优秀论文) 2019
email : bd239b8d9b6430c213b8eebda450ff72b25754a419cfe327cddcf22272e4f0165695114da6949a7ecbe93e86711f5aa5ccc8472ed12c6137108672a0bc35b003a27f0e26fc693413cba4bd5741cca793d5ea62c6baa3df5638e1290e2f8ef6ab393e18a560b1da62703980a65410d3d9d0b3945fd60af7e6dc09a655fa0150f8
Telephone : bd0ad2fb7f4f6fdd936c92f02ee44e0f08ca0a9b4371411d6d5cfbc9b171d8941693fd11628ad5f998b415492f4edbda104a4f4dbf1582cd30bccd1dd702afa77415ce5ff2841e2927074fe7ed8e8f0a0c87114a93a8b3a5805c3893a1ee73cbfee9deba8df1615f4e1126303a9fdfde3abe840d377d66a20679ac051f1ea5bc
PostalAddress : 49a975594f360b95ac78520d0e155ef01e29b0500b9ec5435f012bbfd07c2386948f8c4f916ca7a413d10ed474f01eb2d2e67c9ffe9ef15bc81567a1f28fe460654def30476420b137fb6ec447356d633fa3cb31d9caa15c188ba54fb4bd4f4747d4eafa058fcd595a7a3f64a359b9c08a5a23f17e3a0ec141a3d829c9efc40b
ZipCode : 9564f2566b4607182ff39c92457121c8d4fad4349f407040bf2c794cf12aed36a7ae9e1b8df76d745254a837a9d14ba310b2c3d1616d36fd753af4687483408ab86ba337fb4b7357a752e6e6ce4e1ac793bb13b89a4019a117f8896dd81a31272aeba8247cec2fed6123d45501277e0e3a06dea05a60951b5e16cf3cc5026459
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