- Doctoral Supervisor
- Master Tutor
- Gender:Male
- Name (Pinyin):wangleigang
- Date of Employment:2004-07-01
- School/Department:材料科学与工程学院
- Administrative Position:教授
- Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
- Business Address:材料楼409
- Contact Information:13646105959
- Degree:doctor
- Professional Title:Professor
- Status:Employed
- Other Post:江苏省锻压分会理事长、中国塑性工程学会理事
- Alma Mater:燕山大学
- Teacher College:材料科学与工程学院(新材料研究院、绿色材料与冶金研究院、高分子材料研究院挂靠)
- Discipline:Material Process Engineering
Contact Information
No content
- Paper Publications
- 基于响应面法的汽车后轮罩工艺参数优化
- Numerical Simulation and Multi-Objective Optimization of Partition Cooling in Hot Stamping of the...
- 碳纳米管对汽车刹车片用陶瓷摩擦材料性能的影响
- 高宽比对纯铜试样反复镦压过程及其组织性能的影响
- Design and Performance Study of Clutch Disc Assembly of Wide-Angle, Large-Hysteresis, Multistage ...
- Optimal formation of a PEMFC-based telecom tower using Courtship Learning-based Water Strider Alg...
- 矿用卡车离合器用锌钨合金增强铜基粉末冶金摩擦材料的摩擦磨损性能
- Deep eutectic solvent-induced high-entropy structures in boron nitride for boosted initiation of ...
- 基于响应面法的游艇转向臂锻造工艺优化
- 基于CAE和灰色关联的汽车前门外板冲压成形工艺参数多目标优化