- Doctoral Supervisor
- Master Tutor
- Gender:Male
- Name (Pinyin):wangjun
- Date of Employment:2011-05-01
- School/Department:数学科学学院
- Administrative Position:教授
- Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
- Business Address:数学科学学院205
- Degree:doctor
- Professional Title:Professor
- Alma Mater:东南大学
- Teacher College:数学科学学院
Contact Information
No content
- Awards and Honours
Date:2019-10-22 Hits:
- Primary Participantwangjun
- Title of Achievement:较弱非退化条件的KAM定理与两类椭圆型方程正解的存在性和集中性
- Affiliation of Participants:4a4321f37452c05c017452c783d00009
- Note:4000*1/2
- Level of Award:省部级政府
- Grade of Award:二等合作
- Discipline:Natural Science
- First-Level Discipline:Mathematics
- Number of Participants:5
- Date of Award:2001-01-01