个人信息: Personal information
- 周王凡,任旭东. Fatigue behavior of double-sided laser shock peened Ti-6Al-4V thin blade subjected to foreign obj...
- Zhou, Wangfan,周王凡,Zhou, W. F.,任旭东. Thermal stability of surface nano-crystallization layer in AZ91D magnesium alloy induced by laser...
- 杨进德,Zhou, Wangfan,陈兰,Adu-Gyamfi, Samuel,Zhou, W. F.. Residual stress induced convex bending in laser peen formed aluminum alloy
- 杨涛,杨进德,任旭东,Tong, Zhaopeng,陈兰. Evolution of microstructure and grain refinement mechanism of pure nickel induced by laser shock ...
- 杨涛,Tong, Zhaopeng,任旭东. Microstructure evolution and grain refinement of Ti-6Al-4V alloy by laser shock processing
- Tong, Zhaopeng,任旭东,Adu-Gyamfi, Samuel. The effects of laser shock peening scanning patterns on residual stress distribution and fatigue ...
- Adu-Gyamfi, Samuel,任旭东,周王凡,Zhou, W. F.,Tong, Zhaopeng. Effect of laser shock peening on microstructure and hot corrosion of TC11 alloy
- Tong, Zhaopeng,Zhou, Wangfan,陈兰,任旭东. Mechanical effect of laser-induced cavitation bubble of 2A02 alloy
- 任旭东,Zhou, W. F.,杨进德,周王凡. Laser shock processing on Ni-based superalloy K417 and its effect on thermal relaxation of residu...
- 任旭东,Adu-Gyamfi, Samuel,陈兰,杨涛,Zhou, Wangfan. Initial dislocation density effect on strain hardening in FCC aluminium alloy under laser shock p...