Associate researcher Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates Supervisor of Master's Candidates
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饶德伟.N2 Electroreduction to NH3 by Selenium Vacancy-Rich ReSe2 Catalysis at an Abrupt Interface
饶德伟.Surface Atomic Configurations of MnO2 Regulating the Immobilization of Sulfides in Lithium Sulfur...
饶德伟.Non-metallic electronic regulation in CuCo oxy-/thio-spinel as advanced oxygen evolution electroc...
饶德伟.Ultrahigh energy storage and ultrafast ion diffusion in borophene-based anodes for rechargeable m...
饶德伟.Mechanism on the Improved Performance of Lithium Sulfur Batteries with MXene-Based Additives
饶德伟.Immobilisation of sulphur on cathodes of lithium-sulphur batteries via B-doped atomic-layer carbo...
饶德伟,杨阳.Electronic structures and transport properties of SnS-SnSe nanoribbon lateral heterostructures
杨阳,饶德伟.Interfacial competition between a borophene-based cathode and electrolyte for the multiple-sulfid...