
- 性别:男
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:博士
- 在职信息:在职
- 所在单位:能源与动力工程学院
- 入职时间: 2010-07-01
- 电子邮箱:rjqu@ujs.edu.cn
[21] 张若梅,屈健.Heat transfer characteristics of oscillating heat pipe and its application in power battery cooling
[22] 孙芹,屈健.Heat transfer performance comparison of silicon-based micro oscillating heat pipes with and without
[23] 张若梅,屈健,孙芹.Efficiency improvement of a solar direct volumetric receiver utilizing aqueous suspensions of CuO
[24] 杨舒生,孙芹,屈健,张若梅.Heat transfer performance of flexible oscillating heat pipes for electric/hybrid-electric vehicle ba
[25] 孙芹,杨舒生,张若梅,屈健.“工程热力学”教学中加强节能减排意识培养的若干思考和实践
[26] 孙芹,张若梅,杨舒生,屈健.Start-up characteristics of MEMS-based micro oscillating heat pipe with and without bubble nucleatio
[27] 张若梅,孙芹,屈健,杨舒生.Photo-thermal properties of hybrid CuO-MWCNT/H2O nanofluids
[28] 杨舒生,孙芹,屈健.The Characteristics Study of Droplet Impingement on Superhydrophobic Carbon Nanotube Arrays
[29] 孙芹,屈健.Thermal performance comparison of oscillating heat pipes with and without helical micro-grooves.未出版
[30] 孙芹,屈健.矩形微通道内液滴产生和运动特性实验研究
[31] 屈健,孙芹,李孝军.考虑接触角滞后的脉动热管工质运动特性研究
[32] 孙芹,李孝军,屈健.Experimental investigation of thermo-hydrodynamic behavior in a closed loop oscillating heat pipe
[33] 屈健,孙芹.Design and experimental study on a hybrid flexible oscillating heat pipe
[34] 孙芹,屈健.Photo-thermal properties of MWCNT-H2O nanofluid
[35] 屈健,孙芹.effect of contact angle hysteresis on the fluid movement characteristics in pulsating heat pipes
[36] 孙芹,屈健.Lower limit of internal diameter for oscillating heat pipes: A theoretical model
[37] 李孝军,孙芹,屈健.Start-up and heat transfer performance of micro-grooved oscillating heat pipe
[38] 屈健,孙芹.Recent advances in MEMS-based micro heat pipes
[39] 孙芹,李孝军,屈健.Photo-thermal conversion characteristics of MWCNT-H2O nanofluids for direct solar thermal energy abs
[40] 李孝军,孙芹,屈健.Operational characteristics of an MEMS-based micro oscillating heat pipe