Associate researcher
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
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庞胜利.Enhancing the electrochemical properties of a lithium-sulfur battery using a modified separator with a phase-inversion layer
庞胜利.Rapid and durable oxygen reduction reaction enabled by a perovskite oxide with self-cleaning surface
庞胜利.Highly active and robust biomimetic ceramic catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction: Inspired by plant leaves
庞胜利.Quenching-induced surface reconstruction of perovskite oxide for rapid and durable oxygen catalysise
庞胜利.Anomaly Negative Resistance Phenomena in Highly Epitaxial PrBa0.7Ca0.3Co2O5+delta Thin Films Induced from Superfast Redox Reactions
庞胜利.Interfacial energy barrier: A crucial factor affecting cathodic polarization resistance of solid oxide fuel cells
A cathode material for lithium ion batteries with surface coating layer and its synthesize method
A electrolyte layer for solid oxide fuel cells, and its synthesize method and the corresponding solid oxide fuel cells
A electrode for solid oxide fuel cells, and its synthesize method and the corresponding solid oxide fuel cells
A material modification method for lithium-rich manganese-based cathode material
A ultra thin TiO2 coating layer for the cathode material of lithium ion batteries, and the corresponding cathode material and material synthesize method