- 主要任职:院长
- 性别:男
- 毕业院校:东南大学
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 学位:博士
- 在职信息:在职
- 所在单位:电气信息工程学院
- 入职时间: 1988-06-01
- 办公地点:电气信息工程学院305
- 电子邮箱:ghliu@ujs.edu.cn
[101] 刘国海,徐亮.Comparison of five topologies rotor permanent magnet motors with improved fault-tolerance
[102] 刘国海.Novel reconstruction method of power quality data based on regularized adaptive matching pursuit alg
[103] 杨俊勤,刘国海.Torque pulsation reduction in fractional-slot concentrated-windings IPM motors by lowering sub-harmo
[104] 丁岭,徐媚媚,刘国海.Multi-Objective Optimization of an Asymmetric V-Shaped Interior
[105] 刘国海.Model-free Adaptive Robust Control for Two Motor Drive System Based on Neural Network Inversion
[106] 刘国海,杨俊勤.Flux-modification-based Fault-tolerant DTC for Five-phase PMSM
[107] 徐媚媚,刘国海.Torque ripple improvement for ferrite-assisted synchronous reluctance motor by using asymmetric flux
[108] 丁岭,刘国海.Fault Tolerant Control for Five-Phase Synchronous Reluctance Motor by Third Harmonic Current Injecti.Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
[109] 丁岭,刘国海.Fault Tolerant Control Allocation Based on Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Distributed-Driven Elec.Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
[110] 刘国海.SVPWM-Based Fault-Tolerant Control Strategy under Two-Phase Open-Circuit Fault of Five-Phase Permane
[111] 徐媚媚,丁岭,刘国海.Stator-Flux Optimization Based DTC for Five-phase Permanent Magnet Motor Drives
[112] 丁岭,刘国海.Torque Calculation of Five-Phase Interior Permanent Magnet Machine Using Improved Analytical Method
[113] 丁岭,徐媚媚,刘国海.Virtual Signal Injected MTPA Control for DTC Five-Phase IPMSM Drives
[114] 丁岭,徐媚媚,刘国海.A Novel Mesh-Based Equivalent Magnetic Network for Performance Analysis and Optimal Design of Perman