- Master Tutor
- Gender:Male
- Name (Pinyin):lijian
- Date of Employment:2009-12-01
- School/Department:材料科学与工程学院
- Administrative Position:副教授
- Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
- Business Address:材料楼401
- Contact Information:13646107332
- Degree:doctor
- Professional Title:Associate professor
- Status:Employed
- Alma Mater:江苏大学
- Teacher College:材料科学与工程学院(新材料研究院、绿色材料与冶金研究院、高分子材料研究院挂靠)
- Discipline:Material Process Engineering
Contact Information
- email:
- Telephone:
- Research Projects
Date:2019-10-23 Hits:
- Project Leaderlijian
- Affiliation of Participant(s):4a4321c94a2af4ad014a2af5f603009c
- Leading Scientist:lijian
- Nature of Project:摩擦副表面可控底面形状织构的固-气模法构建、牺牲模法转印及其摩擦学性能研究
- Project level:1
- Date of Project Approval:2018-01-01
- Scheduled completion time:2021-12-31