Paper Publications
[16] 李斌.Changes in Biochar Functional Groups and Its Reactivity after Volatile-Char Interactions during Biomass Pyrolysis
[17] 李斌.Fundamental Advances in Biomass Autothermal/Oxidative Pyrolysis: A Review
[18] 李斌.Hydrogen rich syngas production from sorption enhanced gasification of cellulose in the presence of calcium oxide
[19] 李斌.Volatile-char interactions during biomass pyrolysis: Understanding the potential origin of char activity
[20] Photocatalytic oxidation removal of elemental mercury from flue gas. A review.Environmental Chemistry Letters,18:417-431
[21] Sorbents for hydrogen sulfide capture from biogas at low temperature: a review.Environmental Chemistry Letters,18:113-128
[22] Experimental investigation of biomass gasification in a fluidized bed reactor.Energy & Fuels,22:3493-3498
[23] Modeling and simulation of calcium oxide enhanced H2 production from steam gasification of biomass.Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy,5:378-384
[24] Characteristics of the temperature distribution and product gas evolving of an updraft biomass gasifier.Energy & Fuels,27:1460-1465
[25] Absorption-enhanced steam gasification of biomass for hydrogen production: Effect of calcium oxide addition on steam gasification of pyrolytic volatiles.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,39:15416-15423
[26] The enhancing mechanism of calcium oxide on water gas shift reaction for hydrogen production.Energy,68:248-254
[27] Hydrogen production from agricultural biomass wastes gasification in a fluidized bed with calcium oxide enhancing.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,42(4832-4839)
[28] Absorption-enhanced steam gasification of biomass for hydrogen production: Effects of calcium-based absorbents and NiO-based catalysts on corn stalk pyrolysis-gasification.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,42:5840-5848
[29] Influence of Addition of a High Amount of Calcium Oxide on the Yields of Pyrolysis Products and Noncondensable Gas Evolving during Corn Stalk Pyrolysis.Energy & Fuels,31:13705-13712
[30] Effects of potassium salts loading on calcium oxide on the hydrogen production from pyrolysis-gasification of biomass.Bioresource Technology,249:744-750
