Can Kang
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Research Projects
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Affiliation of Participant(s):4a4321c94a2af4ad014a2af5f5f9009a

Leading Scientist:康灿

Nature of Project:高扬程大颗粒矿浆输送泵计算分析及水力优化

Date of Project Approval:2020-06-01

Scheduled completion time:2022-06-01

Date of Project Initiation:2020-06-01

Personal information

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Gender : Male

Alma Mater : 江苏大学

Education Level : With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Degree : doctor

Status : Employed

School/Department : 能源与动力工程学院

Date of Employment : 1999-07-01

Contact Information : 0511-88780216

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