一、主要研究方向 液体压力能利用设计理论与技术应用研究 二、研究成果 共发表学术论文30余篇,其中SCI检索论文8篇,EI检索论文20余篇; 三、在研课题 国家青年科学基金(11602097)“具有前弯形叶片叶轮的液力透平内部流动与设计理论”课题 20万元; 四、已结题 国家科技人员服务企业行动项目(2009GJC10007)“余压液体能量回收用液力透平的开发与应用‘’130万; 江苏省青年科学基金(BK20130517)“液力透平叶轮内部流动与设计理论研究” 20万元。 五、发表论文Yang Sunsheng; Singh Punit; Zhang Hui, Flow investigations of reverse running volute pumps with backward vanes in comparison to forward type turb...
查看更多>杨孙圣.CFD numerical simulation, verification with experimental results and internal flow analysis of bristle turbines
杨孙圣.Numerical and Experimental Investigation on Unsteady Flow and Hydraulic Radial Force of Low-Head Axial Flow Turbine
杨孙圣.Towards an optimum pitch to chord ratio and establishing its scaling effects in low head Kaplan propellers
杨孙圣.Validation through internal flow physics of response surface methodology optimized mixed flow pump as turbine
杨孙圣.Analysis of double suction pumps in both pump and turbine modes using entropy factor
杨孙圣.Numerical and experimental investigation of 3D unsteady flow fields of a low head axial flow turbine under different blade numb...
杨孙圣.Experimental investigation on the effect of axial gap on performance and unsteady pressure pulsations of low head axial flow hy...
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