Pulished Paper:
² Co-pyrolysis and co-hydrothermal liquefaction of seaweeds and rice husk: Comparative study towards enhanced biofuel production. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2018, 129: 162-170
² Study on the interaction effect of seaweed bio-coke and rice husk volatiles during co-pyrolysis. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2018, 132:111-122.
² Bio-char and bio-oil characteristics produced from the interaction of Enteromorpha clathrate volatiles and rice husk bio-char during co-pyrolysis in a sectional pyrolysis furnace: A complementary study. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2018. online
² Characterization and pyrolysis behavior of the green microalga Micractinium conductrix grown in lab-scale tubular photobioreactor using Py-GC/MS and TGA/MS. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2018. Online.
² Investigation on the co-pyrolysis mechanism of seaweed and rice husk with multi-method comprehensive study. Renewable Energy 132 (2019) 266-277.
² Study on co-pyrolysis synergistic mechanism of seaweed and rice husk by investigation of the characteristics of char/coke. Renewable Energy 132 (2019) 527-542
² Pyrolysis mechanisms of typical seaweed polysaccharides. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2017, 124: 373–383
² Co-pyrolysis Mechanism of Seaweed Polysaccharides and Cellulose Based on Macroscopic Experiments and Molecular Simulations. Bioresource Technology . 2017, 228:305-314
² Mechanism research on the pyrolysis of seaweed polysaccharides by Py-GC/ MS and subsequent density functional theory studies. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2017, 126: 118–131
² SStudy of pyrolytic mechanisms of seaweed based on different components (soluble polysaccharides, proteins, and ash). Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy. 2017, 9: 023102
² TG-FTIR-MS Analysis of the Pyrolysis of Blended Seaweed and Rice Husk. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2016, 126: 1689-1702
² Effect of different pretreatments on the thermal degradation of seaweed biomass. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2017, 36: 2271-2281
² A comparative study on the quality of bio-oil derived from green macroalgae
Enteromorpha clathrata over metal modified ZSM-5 catalysts. Bioresource technology. 2018, 256: 446-455.
² Co-pyrolysis of biomass and waste plastics as a thermochemical conversion technology for high-grade biofuel production: Recent progress and future directions elsewhere worldwide. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 163: 468-492.
² Effect of lipid-free microalgal biomass and waste glycerol on growth and lipid production of Scenedesmus obliquus: Innovative waste recycling for extraordinary lipid production. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 249, 992-999.
² Shuang Wang, Qian Wang, Yamin Hu, Shannan Xu, Zhixia He, Hengsong Ji. Study on the Synergistic Co-Pyrolysis Behaviors of Mixed Rice Husk and Two types of Seaweed by a Combined TG-FTIR Technique. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1016/j.jaap.2015.05.008.(SCI)
² ShuangWang, QianWang, XiuminJiang, ShannanXu, HengsongJi, ZhixiaHe,YaminHu, RuWang. Combustion mathematical simulation of single seaweed particle in a bench-scale fluidized bed. Journal of renewable and sustainable energy, http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4919357.(SCI)
² Shuang Wang, Xiumin Jiang, Qian Wang, Hengsong Ji, Lifeng Wu, Jingfan Wang, Shannan Xu*. Research of Specific Heat Capacities of Three Large Seaweed Biomass. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 115(3):2071¨C2077£¬2014 (SCI)
² Shuang Wang*, Qian Wang, Xiumin Jiang, Xiangxin Han, Hengsong Ji. Compositional Analysis of Bio-oil Derived from Pyrolysis of Seaweed. Energy Conversion and Management, 68: 273-280, 2013 (SCI)
² Shuang Wang*, Xiumin Jiang, Qian Wang, Xiangxin Han, Hengsong Ji. Experiment and grey relational analysis of seaweed particle combustion in a fluidized bed. Energy Conversion and Management, 66: 115-120, 2013 (SCI)
² Shuang Wang, Xiuming Jiang*, Xiangxin Han, Jianguo Liu. Combustion Characteristics of seaweed biomass Part 1: Combustion characteristics of Enteromorpha clathrata and Sargassum natans. Energy&fuels, 23 (10): 5173¨C5178, 2009 (SCI)
² Shuang Wang, Xiumin Jiang*, Xiangxin Han, Hui Wang. Fusion Characteristic Study on Seaweed Biomass Ash. Energy & Fuels, 22 (4): 2229-2235, 2008 (SCI)
² Shuang Wang, Xiumin Jiang*, Ning Wang, Lijun Yu, Zhen Li, Peimin He. Research on pyrolysis characteristics of seaweed. Energy & Fuels,21(6):3723-3729, 2007 (SCI)
² Wang Shuang, Liu Xinlin, Feng Yongqiang. Thermochemical Conversion Technology of Algal Biomass, 2017, Jiangsu University Press
² Wang Shuang, Feng Yongqiang, Abd-El-Fatah Abomohra. Renewable Energy, 2017, Jiangsu University Press
² Li nailu, Wang Shuang, Qiao Fen. New Energy Professional English, 2016, Jiangsu University Press
Research Interest:
- Thermochemical conversion of biomass (seaweeds and microalgae), energy and efficient catalytic technology
- Theory and technology of medium- and low-grade heat utilization.
- Solar photochemical conversion technologies.
[1] 2005.9-2010.7
上海交通大学 | 热能工程 | 工学博士学位
[2] 2001.9-2005.7
东南大学 | 热能与动力工程 | 工学学士学位
[1] 2016.9-至今
[2] 2010.7-2011.12
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